I kind of love taking a peek back at the years end. The girl who began 2014 is different than the girl who is finishing it stronger, more secure, softer. This place, this sweet virtual picket fence, has been a tool for my iron to be sharpened, for my words to be used for good alone, for my heart to grow and big dreams to bloom.

2014 was a big year in so many ways. I was invited to join (in)courage as a contributor. I traveled to North Carolina, South Carolina, Arkansas, North Dakota and Missouri. I had my sweet baby girl! I wrote my first book. I left one job and accepted another, and so did Husby. I wrote (almost) 31 days of Mom Prayers. My little boy turned 3. So many more moments were lived in the cracks between each big event.

Our family continues to seek God’s direction in many, many areas of our life, and I am so grateful that He has included this online space, and writing, in His course for me. Thank you, friends in my computer, for your support and encouragement, your faithful reading and love of me & my family. I love getting to share them, and my words, with you. I can’t tell you how I adore you for showing up. Blogging has changed much since I began mine over 7 years ago (!!!), but you have remained the same kind of wonderful, and for that I am deeply grateful. Thank you for giving me the space to share my stories, for sharing yours right back at me, and for helping make this place a cozy home for our words to meet.Top 10 of 2014 at girlwithblog.com

Here are the Girl With Blog posts you loved the most in 2014:

On an Easy and Junk-Free Recipe for Pumpkin Spice Latte 

On A Moment of Christmas: a giveaway & gift for you!

On Warm Memories and Cinnamon Roll Casserole

31 Days of Mom Prayers

On a Recipe for Western Omelet Casserole

On Where I’m Sleeping Tonight

On Making Friends

On Josie Marie: Introducing My Daughter

On my #OneWord365 for 2014: welcome

On Bearing My Marks Proudly


Thank you for believing in me and my words. Here’s to another year of mine, yours, ours.

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