on real friends, in real life {inRL2012}

During the childrens sermon, in my white patent leather Mary Janes, I solemnly listened as the pastor spoke. ‘Friends’, he said, ‘are from the Lord. Today, just ask someone to be your friend. It’s that easy!’ And everyone knows that if a...

My Mess

I have struggled with writing in the way that my heart is calling me to write – transparently, freely, truly sharing my mess. But lately I feel like there is just too much mess to share. Jealousy has a hold on me. I feel straight up envy of those who are...

Our Darkest Day

I never thought this would be my next post. We lost our baby this week. I miscarried. I bled so much as we drove to the ER that we stopped at another ER. At the intended (second) ER I had two pelvic exams (the first of which involved forceps and was horrendous), a...

A new journey begins.

Infertility. It even LOOKS scary, that word just sitting alone up there. Yesterday, my husband and I went to a new doctor. We waited all fidgety in the waiting room, then were shown into a small exam room with a picture of 3 kids surrounding their moms’ very...

a new journey begins

Infertility.It even LOOKS scary, that word just sitting alone up there. Yesterday, husby and I went to a new doctor. We waited all fidgety in the waiting room, then were shown into a small exam room with a picture of 3 kids surrounding their moms’ very pregnant...

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