On Going Back to School

On Going Back to School

Three weeks ago, we started school. Like real school. Kindergarten. You guys remember praying for that little baby we so badly wanted six years ago? NOW HE IS IN REAL SCHOOL. With bells and a teacher and little desks and lunch in the cafeteria and gym class and the...
These Days, Mothering Is…

These Days, Mothering Is…

These days, mothering may not look like the movies. Or the TV shows. Or most of our Instagram feeds. Or our friends lives. Or what we thought it would look like. These days… Mothering is sharing all of my food. Anything on my plate, going to be on my plate, used...
On the Other Mothers I will Celebrate on Mother’s Day

On the Other Mothers I will Celebrate on Mother’s Day

There are parents without carseats, diapers or pacifiers. Mothers who do not have bedtime rituals or middle of the night feedings. Parents without hand-stamped necklaces or birthstone rings. Parents who no longer have children. These are the other mothers – the ones...
Lessons Learned in Twelve Weeks with Three

Lessons Learned in Twelve Weeks with Three

Two months ago I had a baby girl. She’s my third child and our second girl, and in my twelve weeks as a mom of three I’ve learned more than I have in all my 33 years, like: I can do almost anything while nursing a baby, I need less sleep to function than I thought,...

An Invitation to Be Beautiful

. . . This is grace, an invitation to be beautiful . . . We are invited, each of us, to be beautiful. To see and seek beauty in our everyday, in each other. And so our charge is not how to become more beautiful, but to ask instead: how can I add to the beauty? Does...
Real Mom Confessions: the link-up {week 3}

Real Mom Confessions: the link-up {week 3}

It’s that time again. How has it been a week already?! I swear we live in a baby/toddler time warp. Here’s what we’ve been dealing with around here: We recently moved Sam’s carseat to the back row in the van, to give him more space. During our...
on celebrating the everyday

on celebrating the everyday

Last weekend we celebrated Sam’s three full weeks of being diaperless. He’s amazing, y’all. And we are button-bursting proud of him, so last Sunday we celebrated. Donuts and a trip to the zoo marked the occasion. He had his first corndog, more treats...

on bearing my marks proudly

I scroll through my Facebook feed, passing photos of women in workout gear, weight loss progress reports, toned legs stretched out in a chairside view of an ocean. A friend of mine from years ago is now a professional bodybuilder, her photos making me cringe in...
on Josie Marie: introducing my daughter!

on Josie Marie: introducing my daughter!

Josie Marie Rendell April 22, 2014 9:22pm 7lbs, 15oz 20″ long           Our sweet, precious daughter is here and we could not be more in love. Big brother is as smitten as we are. More photos {you can see more here} and stories to come,...

on the holy in our ordinary

Yesterday was my sweet Boy’s baptismal birthday! We had a super typical day that was really anything but: I was up from 3-5:30 (pregnancy insomnia is a thing, yo), so when he woke at 7:30 I pulled him into my bed and let him dink around on the iPad. We had donut...

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